Starbucks® Single-Origin Aged Sumatra

750 Baht

The distinct flavors of aged Sumatra beans have long been a cornerstone of our coffee passion. The process to produce this remarkable cup is an investment in every sense of the word. We source ripe Sumatra coffees, then store the coffee in a special facility where warm, tropical air circulates among the burlap bags. Patience, care, time, and the elements create the flavor you are about to experience – with notes of spiced vanilla bean and oak, the wait is finally over.

Coffee Profile

Acidity :


Body :


Processing Method : Semi-washed, Aged

Tasting Notes : Spiced vanilla bean, Oak

Complementary flavors : Baked spices, Sage, Cheese

Region : Asia-Pacific

Tea Profile

Caffeine Level :

Caffeine Level

Tasting Notes :