Starbucks Reserve™ India Monsooned Malabar

1,550 Baht

Every June, monsoon season arrives on the Malabar Coast of southwestern India. Sea and wind meet, delivering potent combinations of humidity, temperature and rainfall—a near-magical set of conditions for the processing of Indian coffee beans. Amid the turbulent weather, chemical changes in the coffee accelerate, bringing forth a soft, golden hue and distinctly mellow flavor. Wholly shaped by unique environmental factors, this cup is a testament to terroir with its unmistakable flavor that could only come from one place and time.

Coffee Profile

Acidity :


Body :


Processing Method : Natural (Sun-dried), Monsooned Aging

Tasting Notes : Smoked butterscotch, Chocolate bitters with a mellow

Complementary flavors : Bay, Cinnamon

Region : Asia-Pacific

Tea Profile

Caffeine Level :

Caffeine Level

Tasting Notes :